“Stand here if you’d like someone to play with you!” A sign with these ten seemingly simple words has hung on the wall of the roof deck for years, reminding Grace students that opportunities to find—and be—a friend are never far away.
The following is a letter from Head of School Robbie Pennoyer
My favorite educational conference is also the cheapest. A hazard of being a head of school is an expectation that, every year, you’ll attend an alphabet soup’s worth of conferences. There is value to attending these acronymed affairs, but there is also a hefty cost—particularly in terms of the time they require you to spend away from school.
For JK–8 Performing Arts Chair Mike Raposo, his role as teacher and performer aren’t separate from one another. “It's never been an option for me to not teach, just like it's never been an option for me to not perform. I think, in many ways, as a musician, the skills you develop teaching make you a better performer, and the skills you develop performing make you a better teacher. What and how I teach my students is heavily influenced by my experiences as a performer.”
Grace Church School is a co-educational independent school in downtown Manhattan, New York City providing instruction for nearly 800 students in Junior Kindergarten through Grade 12.